Photograph of VTTI workers looking up at a terminal

Global Branding for Energy Storage Company - VTTI

Global Branding for VTTI. One of the world’s fastest growing energy storage and distribution providers. 

Photograph of 2 VTTI workers performing measurements at a terminal
Photograph of VTTI female workers planting flowers near a terminal
VTTI brand guidelines

Logo Design

VTTI’s energy storage terminals are located at sea ports across the globe, including Seaport Canaveral, Netherlands, Malaysia, Panama and South Africa. The logo needed to be simple enough that it could be used in 14 countries, across 5 continents. It also needed to be applied to everything from uniforms to the large metal terminals themselves. I crafted this logo to mimic the simple iconic shapes of the terminals, where they meet the waves of the port. 

VTTI logo design example
Photograph of 2 large energy storage terminals
Photograph of 2 VTTI workers conversing near an energy storage terminal

Brand Guidelines

The applications of this brand identity ranged from corporate letterheads to huge storage  terminals, and everything in-between. It needed to be embroidered onto protective workwear, printing onto hard hard-hats, printing onto a varied fleet of vehicles and machines. It also needed to look great across digital.

VTTI brand guidelines

The Outcome

I created this Logo Design and Global Corporate Identity back in 2011. The fact that both remain unchanged after 14 years, while the company continues to be one of the fastest growing energy storage and distribution providers in the world, is testament to the  timelessness, memorability and simplicity of the design.
Deliverables:Logo Design, Corporate Identity Design, Brand Guidelines.
Team:Logo Design & Corporate Identity Design – Lee Mason.